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The Complete 5-Step Protocol To Balance Your Hormones, Achieve Drama-Free Periods and Clear Skin Just 8 Weeks

Enrolments currently CLOSED

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"Cannot recommend this course enough!! The content is amazing and so easy to follow. My PMS was so severe I’d miss a week of work every month due to physical and mental symptoms. From the first cycle after starting this course I could feel big difference BUT by only the 2 cycle I had only one day off work. My symptoms are dramatically improving every cycle! Not only is this helping my Hormonal imbalances, but my digestion has improved, I have so much more energy, my skin is clearer and I don’t always have that sluggish bloated feeling! Can’t thank Tam enough! She is very supportive and always quick to get back to emails and messages on the FB page. "

Brisbane, Australia

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from my personal health recovery, 9 years of university and postgraduate study and dozens of success stories with working with women 1:1 in my clinic and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step program that not only teaches you the science behind how your hormones work, but exactly how to correct your individual imbalances for good.

Hormone Harmony Academy is the ONLY program of its kind that…

  • Decodes YOUR cycle rather than giving generalized advice
  • Helps you understand what YOUR body is trying to communicate with you through symptoms and gets rid of the mystery surrounding your cycle
  • Individualizes diet, supplement and lifestyle advice to suit YOUR hormonal needs
  • Gives you the tools to support your hormonal picture for the rest of your life. No quick fixes, only long-term, lasting solutions that are tailored to you
  • Provides 1:1 and group support through every baby step to make sure you get it right this time - no more doing it alone!
  • Doesn’t require expensive, high-tech products or equipment - just a basic kitchen and access to a computer or tablet. No fancy foods or celebrity-endorsed products needed!

So, if you’re ready to finally heal your period problems, banish acne for good and supercharge your fertility, let's just say you've found your biggest cheerleader who just so happens to be an expert in women's health and hormones!

5 Steps To Hormone Harmony

STEP 1: Hormone Balancing Diet

Learn the foundations of eating to create healthy hormones, clear skin and pain free periods

STEP 2: Stabilize blood sugar

Implement the 5-step protocol to naturally balance your blood sugar PLUS get rid of your sugar cravings for good

STEP 3: Gut and liver detox

Support your elimination of hormones by supercharging your digestion and liver detoxification

STEP 4: Decode your cycle

Learn what your symptoms are telling you about your hormonal imbalances and address these with personalised supplements, diet and lifestyle support

STEP 5: Live in sync with your cycle

Become in tune with the natural rhythms within your body and learn to work WITH them rather than against them for ultimate hormone harmony


Click the image below to read all the verified Trustpilot reviews for Hormone Harmony Academy.

"This course was incredible!! Before doing Hormone Harmony, I thought if you weren’t on medications, suffering through intense period pain, acne and mood swings each month was normal. Tam’s helped me understand that it doesn’t have to be that way. She filters through all the BS that’s out there, giving clear, unbiased and straight forward advice. And it works! I was amazed by how quickly I saw changes. I’ve loved getting more in touch with my own body and learning how to nourish and support it. The Facebook community was especially great, it kept me engaged and feeling connected to the Hormone Harmony tribe the whole time. I highly recommend this course for all women!"

Forster, Australia

Hormone Harmony Academy Sneak Peak

Module 1 

Kick Start

Kick things off with the Hormone Kickstart Diet. This 2-week challenge helps you dive headfirst into healing your hormones by upping your intake of hormone loving foods, and crowding out the less helpful foods.

No bland, deprivation diets here - just real, delicious wholefoods that make you feel vibrant and energised within days of starting the course.

Even if you’ve never made changes to your diet before, this module will break down exactly what’s important and how to achieve it so you feel confident to make simple changes and get the ball rolling.


  • Uncover the #1 food to eat to fix period problems and banish acne
  • Learn the exact foods to add into your diet today to start balancing your hormones
  • Discover simple tricks to reduce your intake of unhelpful foods and drinks so you never feel deprived
  • Experience increased energy and vitality within days
Module 2

Foods Your Hormones Love

Build on your initial quick wins by learning the foundations of a hormone-balancing diet. Here you’ll discover the importance of healthy fats and proteins for your hormones and exactly which ones and how much to eat of each.

You’ll start adding in healthy serves of foods that provide the building blocks for hormone creation and help to clear your skin.

You’ll implement the simple practice of seed cycling to support your body’s natural hormone production throughout different stages of the month by adding in a delicious snack to your daily routine.


  • Implement my Seed Cycling For Hormone Balance Protocol (hint: it tastes amazing!)
  • Learn the simple trick to determine how much protein your body (and hormones) need
  • Dispel the common myths about fat and discover which ones you need for your hormones and clear skin
Module 3

Master The Hormone Balance Diet

Now that you’ve learned the foundations of a hormone-friendly diet, it’s time to individualize your nutrition to suit your unique hormonal picture. You’ll learn exactly how to determine which style of eating is best for your individual needs and what this looks like on your plate.

In this module, you’ll get access to the exclusive members-only Happy Hormone Cookbook to take the guesswork out of how to prepare and cook delicious, simple meals that your tastebuds and hormones love - without hours in the kitchen or money wasted on expensive ingredients.


  • Unlock the ultimate balanced diet tips that reduce overeating, keep you full and balance your hormones
  • Get access to the Happy Hormone Cookbook (20+ exclusive members-only recipes) to take the guesswork out of what to eat
  • Learn your unique requirements for carbohydrates and how this influences your hormones and skin breakouts
  • Discover the link between carbohydrates and irregular or missing periods (aka hypothalamic amenorrhea if you want to be fancy)
Module 4

Balance Your Blood Sugar and End Sugar Cravings

Now that you are feeling confident about how to eat for your unique hormonal picture, you’ll add on the 6-Step protocol to balance your blood sugar.

With balanced blood sugar you’ll finally get off the energy roller coaster and experience consistent moods and energy throughout the day without the need for caffeine and sugar.

From here, you’ll also implement the 6-Steps To End Sugar Cravings protocol so you can say goodbye to that 3pm chocolate bar and after-dinner cravings. 


  • Discover exactly how to balance your blood sugar
  • Implement the 6-Steps To End Sugar Cravings Protocol
  • Tap into your unlimited energy source and stop riding the energy (and hormonal) rollercoaster all day long
  • Watch your skin clear up as your blood sugar becomes balanced
Module 5

Supercharge Digestion

With balanced blood sugar giving you vibrant energy and stable moods, you’re now ready to tackle a cornerstone treatment of hormonal imbalance: your digestive health.

Here, you’ll discover exactly why poor digestion is one of the biggest contributors to period problems and hormonal acne.

You’ll implement the 5-Step Supercharged Digestion Protocol to heal your individual digestive symptoms from bloating to irregular stools and heartburn.


  • Learn the secret link between poor digestion, hormonal imbalances and acne
  • Identify potential issues with your digestion using the Gut Health Scale
  • Implement the 5-Step Supercharged Digestion Protocol to heal your issues for good
  • Enjoy a bloat-free stomach and humming digestion as your period problems continue to disappear 
Module 6

Love Your Liver

With your digestive system effectively clearing your excess hormones, it’s time to take a look at how well your liver is breaking them down. In this module you’ll explore the signs that your detoxification pathways need some extra support by using the Liver Health Scale.

You’ll implement the 2-Step Liver Love protocol to boost the identified areas of your liver which need support and say goodbye to painful periods, acne and PMS. 


  • Identify issues with your liver detoxification pathways using the Liver Health Scale
  • Implement the 2-Step Liver Love protocol to support your identified liver issues
  • Watch your skin begin to clear, period pain ease and mood swings disappear as your body efficiently clears excess hormones 
Module 7

Decode Your Cycle 

Now that your detoxification and elimination pathways are supercharged and you are no longer dealing with excess hormones, you’re finally able to zoom in on what your unique symptoms are trying to tell you.

You’ll learn the secret language of your hormones and how changes in your period colour, consistency and flow are clever tools your body uses to alert you to what needs to be addressed.

Armed with the ability to decode your cycle, you’ll implement the Ultimate Individualized Supplement Protocol to choose only the most indicated supplements for your unique hormonal needs.


  • Take the Decode Your Cycle quiz and learn exactly what your period is trying to tell you
  • Learn how to read the signs of your whole cycle as secret messages about your health
  • Implement the Ultimate Individualized Supplement Protocol
  • Address any remaining symptoms with targeted nutritional support and a personalised protocol 
Module 8

Live In Sync With Your Cycle + Harness Your Feminine Energy

With your symptoms and hormonal imbalances addressed and armed with the knowledge to interpret and repair any future issues, it’s time to dive into one of the most rewarding modules of the entire course.

Here, you’ll finally understand the basic physiology of your menstrual cycle and the events that take place each month. You’ll discover the hormones involved and how to chart your cycle to become more in sync with your monthly flow.

You’ll then begin implementing the principles of harnessing your feminine energy so that you can finally stop fighting your cycle and tap into the energetic changes throughout the month. Living in harmony with your cycle, you have access to an​ infinite source of wisdom, energy and clarity.

With balanced hormones, glowing skin, kickass feminine energy, and living in flow with your cycle you are an unstoppable, vibrant goddess ready to take on the world! 


  • Take the mystery out of your menstrual cycle and finally understand the hormonal changes that take place
  • Learn how to maximise productivity and when to rest to harness the infinite feminine power of the menstrual cycle
  • Harness your knowledge of the cycle and the energetic shifts throughout the month to tap into the most vibrant, energetic, unstoppable version of you 

What are HHA students saying?

Hear from some of my students on their results, the course content and what they loved about Hormone Harmony Academy.


No one likes to go it alone.

The private members-only Facebook group allows you to connect with other women on the same journey and share tips, recipes, stories and moral support.

And if that wasn’t enough

For the 8-week duration of the course, I’ll be jumping in the closed group LIVE EVERY SINGLE WEEK to answer your questions as you go through the modules.

No more second guessing yourself or confusion over how to individualize the advice. I’ll be with you every step of the way.

After the course is complete, you’ll still have access to the group for continued support from other members.

EXCLUSIVE BONUS #2: The Happy Hormone Cookbook

47 pages of delicious, simple hormone-balancing recipes that take the overwhelm out of how to eat for your cycle. 

Whether you’re new to the kitchen or a seasoned chef, the simple recipes in this cookbook will cement your knowledge about how to eat to balance your hormones and arm you with the confidence to make this way of eating your default.

Some highlights include:

  • The Goddess Breakfast Bowl
  • Green Detox Smoothie
  • Miso Tahini Poke Bowl
  • Progesterone-Boosting Chocolate Bliss Balls
  • Hormone-Loving Hot Cacao

Available for download as an eBook in week 3.

EXCLUSIVE BONUS #3: 'The Clear Skin Solution' eBook

Gain instant access to this life changing guide specifically designed for women suffering with hormonal acne breakouts. This in depth eBook covers exactly what do eat, avoid and which supplements to take to banish hormonal acne for good.

The ultimate companion to the core Hormone Harmony Academy program if you are dealing with skin issues (or want to prevent them). Complete with a 'Banish Acne' Meal Plan.

Apply for the next intake in December 2020

Places are limited and Tam only wants to work with women who are committed and ready to take action.

Tell us why you'd be a perfect applicant below:

"I started the course feeling fatigued, experiencing heavy breast tenderness, and dark spotting before my period. Throughout the course—around 2 menstrual cycles—I noticed a gradual decrease and improvement regarding these symptoms. After the course ended, around 3 menstrual cycles total, I felt more energized, saw zero to mild breast tenderness, and no dark spotting before my period. I even messaged Tam privately on Instagram to tell her I had to go home to change because I got my period and wasn’t prepared. You never know just how much a few simple changes can greatly impact and benefit your life! "

San Francisco, USA

Questions our top students asked before saying “Heck Yes” to Hormone Harmony Academy

The next intake of Hormone Harmony Academy will take place in late 2020.

Modules will be released weekly on Mondays for the 8 week duration of the course, beginning the first Monday after enrolment ends.

As soon as you enrol, you will be given instant access to the welcome video, plus bonuses and access to the private Facebook group so that you can start connecting with other women before we officially start. 

Doing the bonuses exercises before the program kicks off means you will hit the ground running with everything organized for your success. 

 Within weeks of beginning the program most women experience shifts in their energy, improved digestion and increased focus throughout the day.

Many women start to see hugely positive changes to their hormones before the 8 week mark (such as less painful periods, clearer skin and reduced PMS) but it is important to continue for the full 8 weeks to make sure you continue to reap the benefits.

The pill may offer you a short term solution to your period problems and acne breakouts, but does not address the root cause of why your body is experiencing those symptoms in the first place. Using band-aid solutions to treat your problems might make you feel good in the short term, but ultimately allows these small imbalances and niggling issues to continue to progress and can result in conditions that are much harder to treat. 

Putting in the work now to fix your problems for good will set you up for a lifetime of optimal health and reduce the chances of long term impacts on your fertility (plus you'll feel amazing!)

Hormone Harmony Academy teaches you to interpret your own period and hormonal symptoms, assess your digestive and detoxification capacity and live in sync with your individual cycle. The course equips you with the skills to determine which areas of your health are driving your period problems, and which areas need extra support. 

Once you are equipped with this life changing knowledge, Hormone Harmony Academy then teaches you the exact protocols Tamika uses with her clients in 1:1 sessions to bring them back to a state of balance.

You will progress through the course fully supported by the Hormone Harmony Academy community, research-backed hormone balancing protocols giving you the confidence to tackle your unique issues the right way for good.

As well as this, you can choose your level of support throughout the course. Feel confident to navigate it alone or don't suffer from many complex symptoms? Enrol in the basic package.

Need a little bit of guidance with weekly group support, recipes and specialised acne support? Go for our post popular 'Plus' package.

Struggling with complex, long-term issues that you need to get to the bottom of right now? Choose the 'Premium' package for comprehensive hormone testing and 1:1 virtual consults with Tamika.

I can relate! Before I healed my hormone imbalances for good, I’d bought every celebrity-endorsed vitamin, face mask, juice cleanse and diet program under the sun. I’d experienced zero changes in my health and was feeling more confused and frustrated than ever. 

What’s different about Hormone Harmony Academy is that you learn to read the signs of your period and hormone symptoms, and understand what your body is trying to communicate with you. Rather than applying generalized advice that worked for someone else, understanding the language of your hormones means you are able to respond with the right foods, supplements and lifestyle changes for your individual body for the rest of your life.

Each week you’ll receive access to one of the 8 modules. Each module contains 1 or 2 10-15 minute videos plus downloadable support documents.

If you plan to complete the course within 8 weeks, we suggest setting aside around 60 minutes per week to watch the modules, go through the handouts and begin implementing your new knowledge. You may also like to set aside 20 minutes to jump in the members Facebook group, watch the live videos and ask questions. 

There is no pressure to complete the course within the 8-week timeframe however, as you will have access to the digital course platform for at least 12 months and all lessons are available to download as video or audio files which you can save and enjoy lifetime access.

Take 8 weeks or 8 months to complete the course! It's entirely up to you how you choose to implement it and fit it into your lifestyle. 

Each of the 8 modules are released weekly into the secure course platform Kajabi. Upon enrolling you will receive a unique login and password for the online platform where you will access all the course materials plus the bonuses. 

All students from your intake month will receive modules at the same time and the Facebook group will mirror the current weekly module for extra support. 

Yes. I call it 'The Period Challenge': 

Enrol right now, dive in and get started implementing the first 2 modules plus bonus exercise right away. 

By the end of the first 14 days, you’ll have completed the Kick Start Hormone Challenge and implemented the Foods Your Hormones Love protocols. You’ll be feeling more vibrant, energized and fired up to tackle your unique hormone imbalances. 

If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated to continue your journey to finally being free of period problems, skin breakouts and roller coaster mood swings, simply reach out to Tam at [email protected] within 14 days of beginning the course and show me you’ve done the work of the first 2 modules plus bonuses exercises, and I'll refund your entire investment. Read the full refund policy here

This course is ideal to set you up for transitioning off hormonal birth control or for supporting your body whilst you are on birth control. 

If you currently take the pill, have an inserted device or a shot Hormone Harmony Academy will teach you the strategies to support any possible nutrient deficiencies caused by your hormonal birth control and support detoxification pathways. Following the 5-step protocol will allow your body to function at it's best during this time.  

By putting in the work now to ensure you are optimally nourished, you will likely have a much easier ride if/when you decide to stop using your hormonal birth control and will find your cycles return to normal faster. 

Absolutely! All the recipes and diet suggestions are gluten, dairy, soy and sugar free. Most recipes are vegetarian and vegan, and if not offer a vegetarian alternative. Some recipes contain eggs.

The course is entirely self-paced and online. To access the course you will need a computer, tablet or mobile device and reliable internet. 

To implement the protocols, you will need access to a kitchen and basic cooking utensils to prepare your hormone-balancing recipes.

It's as simple as that! Balanced hormones are within easy reach - you just need the proven step-by-step protocols. 

"I actually felt vindicated when Tam was describing all of the PMS symptoms that I had all of my life, as none of my friends or family had experienced PMS to the same degree as me. I found the content so interesting and Tam really simplified the information of biology and nutrition so I could really understand the science behind all of my horrendous PMS symptoms. I actually lost 5 kg’s and my mood has been a lot more stable. I definitely recommend this course to my fellow PMS sufferers!!!"

Sydney, Australia

"I loved the way the course was built and Tamika had my attention at every second. All the modules were very informative and helpful and the course was easy to follow. I learned so much about a hormone balancing diet and I was shocked at how I was undereating fats and proteins which then in turn was making my body crave sugar. I have been struggling with cravings for years and now I can say that I feel in control and know exactly what to eat especially before my period starts so I don’t have to grab a chocolate bar. I feel much more in tune with my body. I would recommend for every woman to do this course, there is soooo much to learn about our bodies! I loved being part of the Hormone Harmony Facebook group too. Tam was quick to reply and would always have additional advice when needed. Thanks Tam!!"

Sydney, Australia


You’re ready to achieve lifelong hormone balance inside Hormone Harmony Academy if...

  1. You suffer from irregular, missing, painful or unruly periods and you know it’s time you did something about it rather than taking a pill
  2. Your skin won’t stop breaking out, you have unwanted hair growth or symptoms of PMS and enough is enough
  3. You’re ready to stop disintegrating relationships and picking up the pieces for a week before your period every month
  4. Your digestion is a little off (bloating, constipation, diarrhoea) and you’re ready to enjoy food and get rid of that bloat for good
  5. You’re an uber-proactive gal who wants to learn the best ways to naturally support her hormones and menstrual cycle through food, lifestyle and supplements where necessary so that you can prevent problems in the future and preserve your fertility 
  6. You are preparing for pregnancy and want your future baby to have the best possible start in life
  7. You have just come off the pill or considering coming off and need some extra support 
  8. You are ready to put in the work to make changes to the way you're living your life, what you're eating and how you're thinking so that you can experience blissful cycles, vibrant feminine energy and finally stop fighting your body

Did you catch yourself nodding your head? 

If you said HECK YES to at least 1 of the above, I can't wait to meet you inside Hormone Harmony Academy

Apply for the next intake in December 2020

Places are limited and Tam only wants to work with women who are committed and ready to take action.

Tell us why you'd be a perfect applicant below:


90% Complete

Apply for next intake in June/July

Places are limited and Tam only wants to work with women who are committed and ready to take action.

Tell us why you'd be a perfect applicant below: